Monday, 27 July 2009

as a parent we get to post gross stuff and most mothers don't mind, we shrug things off because over time we just aren't bothered any more by the bodily fluids and other lil things that come with the job.
so yesterday aiden had, had, apple juice, 2 fruit smoothies.. 2 handfuls of grapes, cereal with strawberries.. and had not poo'd all day..
by the time we put him to bed we were waiting for the crap storm to come during the night. i checked on him at 10:30, sure enough.. the boy NEEDED to be changed.. i changed him half asleep, and put him back to bed.
at 6:30 on his changing mat im getting him dressed for the day, fresh nappy is on, he looks at me and says..
'mommy, there is crap in my bum!' 2 seconds ago i just fascined his diaper.. 'Ok, i'll check'
laughing i say 'No, honey there is no crap in your bum'
he looks are me all serious, and slightly angry.. Slaps his changing mat and says
'It's Not Funny!'
'no, its not, im sorry...'

but at was hilarious

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You have to admit, that is pretty funny. One time when Shaun was a baby (newborn), I was watching Eric and Brian. Smelled the obvious, so changed Shaun. Still smelled it - changed Eric. Could not believe I still smelled "something" and was getting ready to re-check Shaun when Brian said, "Brian stinky, too." Oh yea - that was so much fun.
