Thursday 30 December 2010

Aiden had a great christmas this year, he was a little sad when we told him to come open presents, he ran to the front door, looked out and said: There's no Snow!, It's not Christmas!
then he tried to go back down stairs at my moms house.
We convinced him just because there was no snow didn't mean it wasn't Christmas. He was a little bummed but halfway into opening the first gift, he obviously forgot there was no snow.
He got a aquadoodle wall runner, a glow in the dark colouring board, a spongebob woopie cushion and part horns from Nana and grandad, which were his favorite by far, and drove my mother up the wall. He also got a dump truck, a "cars" car named Jamie :), a colouring book and a big box of crayola's, 7 new books for his Tag, 3 from grandma in England, 2 from grandma Kansas, and 2 from us.  2 Zhu Zhu pets, one has its own boat. Caterpillar balloons from nana and granddad, 4 new hot wheels, and when he got home the day after Christmas, we had set up for him his brand new train station table with train set, covered with a blanket and a giant red bow, its still taking up a 1/4 of my living room. Ah he also got a doctors kit, and he loved it, kept taking all our temps, checking our heartbeat, and giving us injections :) I am sure there are more things i am forgetting, but all in all he got a great haul! Boxing day night, he realized Isobelle's "my friend Violet" dog, was very cool, it talked said your name, favorite foods, colours, etc, and was very upset he didnt have a dog that knew his name, and with tears he told us,, but it knows her name! we couldn't help resist to flag one down for him, we went to the target and got him a "my pal Scout" he has been sleeping with it every night.

I thought I would ad, last night i was reading him his bed time storie, and he took it from me and said " i want to read it!" he then read me , "I love you, Stinky Face" twice, and i watched his little face while he read it, and he was actually looking at the words, not just reading it from memory, I am so proud!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

this morning while getting aiden dressed for school.

aiden: *sniffing air* I smell something
me: what do you smell?
aiden: it smells like yellow.
me: it smells like yellow? i dont know what you mean..
aiden: yeah it smells like yellow, the hot chopsticks you put on your face.
me: it smells like chopsticks?
aiden: yeah the kind you put on your lips to make you feel better..
me: .... Oh you mean Chapstick.. it smells like my chapstick.
aiden: Yeah!

aiden ofcourse meant my carmex.. he is still too adorable sometimes :)

Wednesday 8 December 2010


sunday, aiden has a hand down his pants...
me: aiden get you hand out of your pants!
aiden: my winky is flashing red because I was playing with it....(yells) aaaaaaaaaahhhh

daddy sorted him out, but it was just too funny!