Sunday, 1 November 2009

Halloween 2009

dressed as a fireman aiden went trick or treating for the first time yesterday, it was a very joyful experience. as we were walking out the door, he said, "we cant go, its dark outside!" trying to understand why he was getting to go outside when it was dark, the first few houses we knocked at aiden actually tried to go in their houses, which was adorable, they opened the door, he said trick or treat and started to walk on in their house.
he was quite unsure about what we were doing, we knock, they give me candy... after about the 4th house aiden was really in the spirit,, like it sunk in, "oh i knock, they give me sweets!" and he was ready to go!
"lets go to the next house!" he would say. i explained houses that were dark with no lights on, meant no one was home. and pretty soon he was pointing out the houses on the street that had lights on.. "the light is on there!" every one loved his costume and commented on it. people would get down on their knee's to get to his level to offer him the bowl of candy to choose from, and then he would kneel too, it was too cute.. everyone was , Oh you don't need to get down too sweety.. but he would just kneel on the front steps and pick out his candy, quite a few people gave him more than one piece, and some people just had open bowls of gummy sweets and would offer them to him, and he would grab one put it in his mouth then go for another one, he was really enjoying himself.. after about 45 mins in, he could barely contain himself and wanted to run to each house, he decided he would knock as well, using his tiny fist or even banging his candy bucket on the door..
he was afraid of the children with scary monster masks or skeleton masks, i had to explain it was just pretend and they were costumes, i even had one little boy lift his mask to show aiden he was just a boy and not scary at all... another boy's mother made him show aiden his face because he tripped over a plant pot walking backwards trying to get away from him. but he got the picture and would say, "its ok, its just pretend, they're just costumes"
we went to one house where you had to go around the back through this "spooky" side passage, and there was a big group of kids behind us who were very noisy.. and aiden said "i don't like this" and then about 2 houses down, he said he wanted to go back to the spooky house :)
all in all it was a great night, we went out for about 1 1/2 hours and aiden's bucket was so heavy by the end i was carrying it, his fire hose and the flashlight.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

after nap today we were both laying in bed, eating some crackers "having a nice picnic" says aiden, and aiden looks at me all lovey dovey eyed and says
"you-are has-some"
with the you and are running together to sound like yuuuArrr
me : you want me to have some?
"you-are hassome"
realizing he does not want me to have more crackers.. i take a few seconds to churn over what he is saying...
Oh, you think mommy is handsome?
"yes, i love you"

let the cuddles commence!

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

aiden can count up to 20 now, 1 out of 5 attempts is spot on at least :)
and when we go for walks we count the numbers on houses, and aiden is able to read each one exceptionally well.
two two is 22
two three is 23... seven six is 76.... etc.
we are very proud, but to bring us back to the reality that he wont be 3 until next month, he also "reads" every day objects, such as:

shoe shoe is shoety shoe!

ahh bless him!

would like to add last nights oct 14th..

red red is reddity red (and) green green is greenity green.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Potty training um notes.

This is really just a personal note for me, to mark down Aiden's future history.
We stared potty training full on yesterday, instead of using his potty once in a blue moon. I moved the furniture around to take out his own upholstered chair, shoved the couch (which i covered with blankets) up against the radiator so he couldn't hide behind it, and used the large baby gate to block him off from the computers, table, his dining chair and rocking chair. Then.. I took his pants, nappy.. all! half naked boy all day.. if you want to "go" you got 2 options the floor or your potty chair. He went in his potty 12 times yesterday!! 12! he had 2 pee accidents in which he realized he was going, shot up and finished on his potty! and he did pinch one off on the floor while i was upstairs, but i did notice he tried on his potty but wasn't positioned right so gave it up as a bad job and finished on the floor! What i am doing since stickers, candy, and outright trying to make him go doesn't work for him... i am wrapping up his hotwheels that have been upstairs for months, since we rotate his toys, and giving them back to him as a present every time he uses the potty. We have bought some cheap generic ones as well to wrap up. He will get a present every time he goes this week, then next week he can have one at the end of the day if he uses the potty all day. and then eventually will phase it to end of the week, which at 20-50p a car really isn't costing me much since I'm saving 32p a nappy :)
I'm so proud of aiden, he is really doing fantastic! today we are trying underpants instead of bare butt, and he has managed to take them off all on his own, if not a bit clumsily, but he has got them off in time today so far 4 times... exactly how much does my son wee? seriously! hahahaha

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

We were reading "Happy Worm" today, and when it comes to the part of the book where the Princess Kisses the Frog.. well this is how it goes:
(me reading) Before the Kiss...
aiden.. jumps up in my lap and plants a big one on me, with full Muuuuuaaaaah! sounds.
aiden: i want to kiss your cheek!, Muuuuuuaaaah!
and the other one.. Muuuuuuaaaah!
I want to kiss your nose! Muuuuaaah
Kiss your hair! Muuuuaaah!
And kiss your ear! Muuuuaaah
and the other ear! Muuuuah
me: Ahh I love you Aiden You're Gorgeous!
aiden: I want to Kiss Your Happy!..
and he kisses my huge smile :)

Friday, 4 September 2009

while watching 'Bolt' before bed time.. aiden decided i was no longer mommy, but i was 'Mittens' from the movie..
im not mittens i am mommy
'no you are mittens'.. mittens! mittens! mittens....' he kept saying mittens over and over with a huge grin on his face.. he would grab my chin and steer it towards his face and exclaim... 'Mittens!'
i am mommy not mittens.. he grabs my chin with one finger, and whispers 'pssst mommy' i turn and look at him...
'you are mittens!' ... i give in.. ok then you better watch out or my claws will get you!

this obviously reminds him of "Where the Wild Things Are"

and he goes on a rant intertwining Bolt, and the book

'And They Roar their terrible roars.. Raaawr! and they gnashed their terrible eyes, and they gnashed their terrible teeth, and they gnashed their terrible claws!'

he has taken certain liberties on how the book actually goes, but it is hilarious.. he goes on like this for quite a few minutes, ....intermittently calling me mittens..

Sunday, 23 August 2009

aiden is finding his lil man feet.. and has decided to argue.. almost every single point he can. this is todays that i can recall.

at the car boot this morning aiden see's a tree..
'it's a christmas tree!'
"i think that tree is too big to be a christmas tree"
'no, its a small tree'
"ok you know best its a small tree"
'no, its a large tree'
"ok it's a large tree"
'no, its a medium tree'
"yes i see its medium"..
this argument ended when daddy arrived with his freshly purchased Fifi and the flower tots play set he was demanding before this argument started..

after the car boot, we are in the car and pass a field of cows..
"look at all the cows!" robin says, yes there is a brown one, a black one and a white one! cows say moooo!
aiden: no, they are not cows, they do not say moo!
us: yes they are i can see they are cows and they do go moo
aiden: no they are not!
us: ok well then what are they?
aiden: they are sheep!
us: laughing.. ok they are sheep then.
aiden: no they are not sheep, they are cows and they go mooo!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

while playing football (soccer) this morning aiden said:
this game is not allowed, not for 100 years...
'well if its not allowed why are we still playing it?'
this is game is not allowed, it's impossible! then he put up the balls..

he made me some 'tea' instead

Monday, 10 August 2009

Aiden swears;
but luckily for us all.. i don't mind...
because he does it in his own special way... he use-es the word 'Gorgeous'
Ahhh Gorgeous! Mommy...

where we would say ahh crap.. .. or say Sh*t in frustration... he says gorgeous... I'm just glad he hasn't picked up on some of the more colourful words he has heard and has tried to use them instead..he has chosen his own private expletive...

Monday, 27 July 2009

as a parent we get to post gross stuff and most mothers don't mind, we shrug things off because over time we just aren't bothered any more by the bodily fluids and other lil things that come with the job.
so yesterday aiden had, had, apple juice, 2 fruit smoothies.. 2 handfuls of grapes, cereal with strawberries.. and had not poo'd all day..
by the time we put him to bed we were waiting for the crap storm to come during the night. i checked on him at 10:30, sure enough.. the boy NEEDED to be changed.. i changed him half asleep, and put him back to bed.
at 6:30 on his changing mat im getting him dressed for the day, fresh nappy is on, he looks at me and says..
'mommy, there is crap in my bum!' 2 seconds ago i just fascined his diaper.. 'Ok, i'll check'
laughing i say 'No, honey there is no crap in your bum'
he looks are me all serious, and slightly angry.. Slaps his changing mat and says
'It's Not Funny!'
'no, its not, im sorry...'

but at was hilarious

Thursday, 23 July 2009

tuesday and wednesday this week.

tuesday we were having chocolate filled oreo's aiden was dunking them in milk and making a good mess.. he had one pretty much gone and pretty soggy and had decided he didnt want it anymore and tried to hand it to me and it dropped on my leg instead.. and needles to say it looked pretty gross.. this is what he said

"ohh im sorry i got poopy on your shorts mommy" .... crude but had me secretly rolling with laughter

yesterday was my birthday, robin took the day off so i could have the day to do what i wanted.. at 5am aiden got up.. robin got up with him.. and they baked me a cake.. by 8 am aiden couldnt hold it in anymore so they came upstairs, and sang me 'happy birthday', then aiden said the biggest sentence i think i have ever heard him string together.
"Ok! lets take the cake downstairs, put it on the table, and eat it!"
who knew all you needed was birthday cake?
then at nap time he just wouldnt go to sleep.. he said

"i want to go down stairs and have a happy birthday with mommy" im pretty sure this meant cake :)

Thursday, 16 July 2009

while doing our trace the letters boards yesterday Aiden was correcting me
(me) That's Brilliant Aiden!
No Mommy, its Fantastic!

a little later
(me) that's wonderful Aiden!
No Mommy, it's Beautiful!

again a little later..
(me) Aiden that is very nice..
No Mommy, it's Beautiful!

i guess he doesnt need the praise.. he knows he is all that and a bag of chips lol!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Aiden is craftier than i give him credit for sometimes for instance this weekend he broke out his ninja skills.. twice.
so Saturday i was sat at my computer eating some pringles, Aiden had polished off his crisps and was eye-balling mine..
so he made out like he was tearing off his height chart off the wall ( he is 3 ft 4 inches by the way) by patting it noisily.. then said to me "no mommy don't check it out!" so of course I did..
while i got up and checked out the completely undisturbed wall chart.. he dashed behind me and grabbed my pringles... the little bugger had made a distraction! an actual plan of action to get my crisps! i was amused.. but amazed at the same 2 years 8 months.. his mind is working is mischievous ways!

so Sunday.....bath time.. daddy comes and takes him out of the bath.. lays him down on a towel in his room to dry him off and before he can get his nappy on Aiden demands a magazine to read while he is getting dressed for bed.. this is almost always a spongebob magazine.. daddy being non the wiser did not put a nappy on him, or just give him a book instead that was right on the shelf.. but let the naked Aiden lay on the towel.. and ran down stairs, less than 30 seconds, to get him said magazine.. in such time, Aiden stood up, pee'd on his towel.. then ran off to jump on daddy's bed.....he had no interest in the magazine.

Saturday, 27 June 2009


"want some m n m's "
(me) "say, may i have some m & m's please!"
m n m's please"
(me) "may i have some m & m's please"
m n m's please"
(me) "say, May, I, Have, Some, Please.. ( as he assumes, saying Please is an attomatic get it for me now!)
Mayzum please m n m's

close enough

Friday, 12 June 2009

its good to be loved

while laying on the floor this morning trying to fix aidens toy guitar that had a string come undone ( i did fix it in the end!) aiden decided to be absolutely lovely!
he came up to me and hugged my foot..
"i love mommy's foot"
then my knee
"i love mommy's knee"
and so on , this is how it went, Each item getting a hug or a press of his cheek..
"i love mommy's leg"
"i love mommy's belly"
"i love mommy's neck"
"i love mommy's ear"
"i love mommy's cheek"
"and the other one!"
"i love mommy's eye"
"i love mommy's hair"
"i love mommy's hand"
"i love mommy's fingers"
"i love mommy's boobies" (who doesn't! lol)
"i love mommy's foot"
and so we ended with the foot again, but all in all, i felt pretty darn loved this morning, maybe it was force feeding him his cheerios with strawberries thru half hearted tears with the promise of orange jelly (jell-o) later if he cleaned up his bowl. What ever it was, thanks Aiden, you made my day!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

maybe i should pronounce things better...
on our little walk this afternoon we were walking past a light pole and aiden was about to touch it as he likes to explore most things, and i said
"dont touch that, dogs pee on those".. and they do, as there are usually little puddles under quite a few of them as we walk down to the shops when it sunny.
so we are coming up to another light pole and aiden says..
"here comes another Piano!"

Friday, 5 June 2009

ever since aiden discovered i am a girl, every night at bed time he likes to re-go over this in one small way or another, based on what i am wearing, or some small event of the day, if i am wearing red, i am a red girl etc.. this was last nights conversation.

"mommy you are a black girl"
um yes, i am a girl, in black.
"mmm, i love my black girl!"
i love you too.
"i love you too, goofy!"

this morning aiden was trying to put on a pair of slipper socks i got him for christmas, they are long with leather soles, and you have to stretch them out to put them on (he wasn't succeding at getting the socks on i might add), i was making a cup of tea in the kitchen when he came in, stuck the socks on the kitchen counter and informed me..

"these are rubbish!"

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

just like dad

with his peter rabbit book tote in one hand and his "somewhere over the rainbow" radio playing in the other (from 1981 i got him on ebay), he looks at me and says, "Bye Mommy, I'm going to work!", and heads out the living room, then i hear the tinkling of keys as he tries to get out the locked front door.....

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

maybe i am easily amazed, but as a mother its my natural right. today while aidens "Bagpuss" DVD was starting up he started to make up words to the music
"the stars are bright, the stars are bright, the stars are bright as gold"
i sat with my mouth open and stared at him.
he has made up lyrics to his baby einsten before but it is usually on the level of what is going on with the dvd, "this is a dancing blue crayon, this is a dancing blue crayon, and it is my friend"
after nap, snack is served, juice is on the table.. Bagpuss is on the request line again. this time its:
" the Skies are bright, the skies are cold, the skies are getting very cold"
i think my snack is stuck in my chest.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

bed time discovery

just a few minutes ago as i was about to carry aiden upstairs to bed he wrapped my hair around my face then with a voice of pure innocence and discovery he says to me.
"Mommy Your a Girl!"
laughing i say
did you just now realize im a girl?

at 8:15 am this morning

he hands me his aqua doodle marker
"it needs more water mommy"
no, i know what your going to do with it
"please mommy"
are you going to draw on your pad with it or draw on the windows?
"im going to draw on the windows"
then he gives me a Huge grin and i cant help but burst into laughter..

Friday, 15 May 2009

this morning inbetween trashing the living room and demanding large amounts of chocolate in any form he could get, and me giving in to gain any peace i could get, aiden calmly approached me and advised .. "i want to watch cowpiss" this being cat-puss, or correctly named Bagpuss.
also he did not want to wear trousers today..this was allowed until about 9:30 :)