Tuesday, 4 October 2011

going to try and remember a few of the things aiden has said/done over the past week, i know there are atleast 3 things i wanted to put down i here, but i can only think of 2 of them right now.

just now coming into the house, was on the phone with robin having a tab outside while bells is sleeping...
aiden: mom i'm trying to cook a cheez-it, but its not hot..
( this is where i stop him from putting the cheez-it into his mouth that he has been holding over the hot steam humidifyer, with Vicks Vapo Steam pumping out of it).

saturday night, its bed time, i had let aiden stay in bed with me thursday night because he had his "special dentist appointment" the next morning, which was his outpatient dental work for the cavities and apparent crown he needed, i let him stay in my bed friday night, because he had that appointment.. soo now its saturday night, aiden is stood at my bedside desperate to sleep in my bed again..
aiden: i want to sleep with you in your bed!!
me: aiden, mommy wants to sleep in her bed with daddy. mommy wants some mommy time in her bed..
aiden: *tears in his eyes*  BUT WHAT ABOUT AIDEN!!!!! I WANT SOME AIDEN TIME! I WANT SOMEONE TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH AIDEN IN MY BED!!! he then crumpled into tears...
so um yeah, i let him sleep in my bed..

remembered what it was he said. as we are standing outside Nebraska Furniture Mart, im getting ready to put missy in her carseat and aiden is holding onto her stroller while she was still in it..
aiden:  Baby For Sale! We got your Baby, right here! baby for sale!
me: isobelle is not for sale..


  1. The baby for sale comment reminds me of the time he wanted you to take Isobelle back to the hospital. Too funny.

  2. He is such a hoot! So funny! I can just imaging the "I want some me time" comment. LOL!
