Thursday, 12 May 2011

on the way home from aidens school this morning
me: what do you want for lunch today?
aiden: oh i dont know.
me: you want hotdogs?
aiden: yeah , i want to eat it on my tray, i broke it, but only a little
me: you broke it?
aiden: yeah i stepped on it, but its ok.
me: ahh so you only broke a part of it.
aiden: whats a part?
me: a part means, it is just a piece of something, like the bottom of your shoe is just a part of the shoe, the tongue of the shoe is just a part of the shoe, and the strap is a part too..
aiden: parts are really irritating.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

would like to add last nights hilarity
aiden is not eating his dinner
me: aiden if you don't eat your dinner, i might have to bite your bum! (this of course is meant to be a joke)
aiden: Nooo! don't bite my bum or the blood will come out!
both robin and i burst into histerical laughter..
aiden storms off, saying its not funny! don't laugh at me!

we tried to tell him we weren't laughing at him, that he just said something funny.. i don't think he was buying it.
this morning, aiden and i are colouring garage sale signs..
isobelle is deperately trying to join in..
me: i got her.. No bella
aiden: No, i got her.. no bella.
me: you got her?
aiden: yeah i got her.. im the teacher.
me: you're the teacher?
aiden: yes, i'm the teacher... you have to colour in the lines, and you dont colour inside the A's.
bella tries again..
aiden: no bella, you are being a bad girl.
me: she isn't bad, she is just naughty.
aiden; she is just naughty?
me: yes.
a little later, bella is chewing on my jeans..
aiden: No! Bella!
me: its ok she is just chewing on my jeans..
aiden: oh, i thought she was trying to get at us..
me: its ok, she can chew on my jeans, they are clean.
aiden: ok.