Monday 31 January 2011

yesterday.. aiden gets on the computer and starts mashing the keys.
me: what are you doing to my facebook page?
aiden: im working.. i need to work soo hard!
me: ok well let me get something you can work on... ( i pull up microsoft office to let him type)
aiden: ooohhh i work sooo hard.. (mashes keys)
aiden: Hey Darlin' How much longer I got to work?
me: 4 days!
aiden: OK! (mashes keys)
aiden: Darlin' how much longer I got to work?
me: 2 days!
aiden: ok thanks for asking! (mashes keys)
aiden: how much longer i got to work now Darlin'?
me: still 2 days...
aiden: ok.. thanks for asking... ( mashes keys)
aiden: How much longer i got to work now Darlin'?
Me: thats good, you don't have to work anymore..
aiden: *sighs* oohh i work soo hard!

aiden was pretending to be daddy.. as daddy calls me Darlin' :p

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