Saturday 15 January 2011

aiden shares..

last night shortly before bed.. aiden was at the computer eating one of my "skinny cow" chocolate ice creams.. izzy was in her jumperoo.. dad and i go out front for a smoke.... all is well

a little bit later, aiden is getting ready for bed.. and im holding izzy while dad reads aiden a story...

something smells like chocolate..
its izzy... her head smells like it, her mouth smells like it.. so do her hands...

me: Aiden did you give your sister some icecream?
aiden: (huge grin on his face) Yeah!
me: how much did you give her?
aiden: 10 bites!
me: aiden your sister can't have icecream
aiden: yeah but she had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bites.. ( still grinning)

atleast he shares..

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